Calibration Certificate: is available at extra cost
1700 Max-Hand Durometer Brochure (240,82 KB)
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Introduced in 1965, the Model 1700 was designed to enable the user to observe and measure the "creep" present in a specimen. Creep refers to the tendency of the durometer indentor to continue to penetrate a specimen over time, giving lower durometer readings. For example, if the durometer is held against a specimen in full contact and with constant pressure, the durometer reading will decrease over a period of seconds after the initial reading is taken. So, in a specimen with creep, the initial reading may be 35.0 durometer points, while the reading after three seconds may be 33.5 durometer points.
The Model 1700 features a max- hand and an active hand so that creep may be observed. The max hand holds the maximum reading while the active hand can be observed creeping down the scale. The 1700 is equipped with a max-hand reset button on the top left of the gauge.
Holds reading until reset
Reads maximum and creep
Unique foolproof reset
Custom made carrying case
Conforms to ASTM D-2240 and NIST Traceable
Need to have this new Rex Gauge RG-1700 1700 Max-Hand Durometer calibrated? While this gauge has passed a quality control check, having a calibration certificate for durometers might be required by your quality control system. Digital Measurement Metrology (owner of is a canadian metrology company with more than 25 years of experience. Our Brampton, Ontario based calibration lab has one of the most comprehensive ISO 17025 accredited calibration scope in Canada.
Do you have an old Rex Gauge gauge to be calibrated? We might be able to calibrate Rex Gauge durometers (Rex Gauge RG-1700 or a different model) and provide an ISO, NIST traceable calibration certificate. Please contact our metrology lab for more info.